Energy Centres
Energy Centres actually express the natural tendencies of a living being which are mind, intellect, thought, realisation, pride, illusion, happiness, unhappiness, bliss, greed, sorrow, anger, envy and other natural tendencies. I have experienced all these Energy Centres and their effect on purity of natural tendencies and their power when they arise from lower to highest. Our sages even saw these Energy Centres and given description that how they look like.

The lowest Energy Centre in human beings is ‘Mooladhara’, which is situated at Tailbone or Coccyx; attached to Sushumna nadi and placed below the genitals and above the anus.
This Centre regulates the bones, teeth, legs and feet. It has Earth element and Smell sense. This is lowest Centre in humans but highest in animals, that’s why animals have strong sense of smell. It controls survival instinct and materialism in a living being. People whose energy tied up at this Centre never think beyond Food and Sleep. Its malfunction results in impotency, addictiveness, constipation, fatigue, knee problems, obesity, sciatica etc.
Our Sages have described it as a lotus of square shape; yellow color having four petals of crimson (deep purplish-red) hue whose mouth hangs downwards. It has a triangle (red color) in the centre and inside triangle there is a Shivalinga whose name is Svayambhu (self-originated or self-existent), which becomes active when moved of Kama Bija. This Linga may be revealed by Knowledge and Meditation. It emanates cool and pleasing light which brings gladness into the heart of men. Over Linga, shines the sleeping Kundalini fine as the fibre of the lotus-stalk, snake-like form coiled three and a half times round Shivalinga, having lustre as strong flash of young strong lightening. Sages referred it as Maya in the world. They have seen Child Brahma present on it.
By meditating on Muladhara chakra, a man becomes Lord of speech and King among men, and an Adept in all kinds of learning becomes ever free from all diseases, and his inmost Spirit becomes full of great gladness.

Second Energy Centre in human beings is Svadhisthana, which is situated below naval, at the root of genitals and inside the Sushumna nadi. It regulates sex organs, kidneys, adrenal glands, and bodily fluids. It has Water element and taste sense. It controls functions of sexual instinct and reproductive organs and system. When this Centre gets active, a person start feeling the pleasures of material world. It also gives creativity of lower level and positivity. Malfunctions results in Fluid disturbances e.g., blood poisoning, female problems, Obesity etc.
By meditating on Svadhisthana, the six enemies of man viz. Kama (lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh (greed), Moha (attachments), Mada (pride) and Matsaryya (envy) which all arise from sense of Ahamkara (Ego), are destroyed. He becomes a Lord among Yogis and is like the Sun illuminating the dense darkness of ignorance and destroy the darkness of Maya and Moha. The wealth of his nectar-like words flows in prose and verse in well-reasoned discourse.

Third Energy Centre in human beings is Manipura, which is situated at Lumber Vertebrae (naval), at inside the Sushumna nadi. It regulates pancreas and liver, small and large intenstine, digestive system, lower and middle back. It has Fire element and Sight sense. It controls functions of digestion; At Etheric level, it is seat of power where body stores energy when in excess and draws energy when depletion. When this Centre gets active, a person becomes a doer. It also gives sense of Self-esteem. Malfunctions results in Stomach cramps, stomach ulcers, diabetes and Cancer.
The Sages described the structure of this Centre as a triangle lotus of ten petals of color of heavy-laden rain clouds. There is also Rudra, destroyer of creation seated. By meditating on Manipura, the power to destroy and create the world is acquired.
Actually this Energy Centre is Storehouse of Energy; when body has excess energy, this Centre stores it and supply when there is deficiency of it.

Fourth Energy Centre in human beings is Anahata, which is situated at heart region, inside the Sushumna nadi. It regulates thymus glands, heart, lungs, chest and upper back. It has Air element and Touch sense. It controls functions of heart, lungs and thymus; at Etheric level it is seat of human love. When this Centre gets active, a person filled with love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. It also gives creativity of higher level. Malfunctions results in angina pectoris and palpitations.
The Sages described the structure of this Centre as a hexagon lotus of twelve petals of color of whitish saffron. By meditating on Anahata, one becomes Lord of Speech (Brihaspati) and becomes the Creator, Protector and Destroyer of Worlds. Foremost among Yogis. Dearer than the dearest to women. Wise and full of noble deeds. His senses are completely under control. His mind in its intense concentration is engrossed in thoughts of Brahma. His inspired speech flows like a stream of water. He is like Devata who is the beloved of Lakshmi and he is able to enter another’s body. He or she becomes pure and pious.

Fifth Energy Centre is Vishudha, Which is located inside Sushumna in Throat region. It regulates thyroid glands, neck, throat and vocal cord. It has Space or Akash element and Hearing sense. It controls functions of thyroid and voice. This Energy Centre makes a person powerful and strong in communication. Malfunctions results in Speech difficulty, depression due to thyroid problems, hearing problems, mouth ulcers, teeth and gum problems.
The Sages had seen this Centre as White color Circular lotus having sixteen petals of color of smoky purple hue. There is Sada-Shiva, seated on a great lion seat which is placed on the back of a bull. He is in form of Arddhanarishvara and half of his body is in colour of snow and other half the color of gold. He wears a tiger skin, his whole body is smeared with ashes and he has a garland of snakes round his neck. By meditating on Vishuddha, one attain complete knowledge of Atma (Brahman); becomes great Sage, eloquent and wise, enjoys uninterrupted peace of mind; sees the 3 periods of past present and future; free from disease and sorrow and long-lived; destroyer of endless dangers.
A man gets everything he wants in life, most important is uninterrupted peace of mind, a life free from diseases and sufferings. How good to even think of this kind of state of life.

Sixth Energy Centre is Ajna, which is also called ‘No-knowledge’ Centre because its activation gives inner-wisdom and clarity of vision that one doesn’t need to acquire any knowledge from outside, as no question remain unanswered and even intuition power is acquired.
It is located just above the location of between the eyes. It regulates the pituitary glands and face. It has no element or sense. As I explained you earlier that it is beyond essence. It controls eyes, brain, nose and directly controls all other Energy Centres. Its malfunction results in mental problems, tension, worry and anxiety.
As per Sages, it is in Circular form, White color with two petals of white color; A triangle in the centre, in which there is Itara-Linga, which is lightening like, and combination of letters ‘O’ and ‘m’ (in bindu form) which form OM. By meditating on Ajana, one sees the Light in the form of flaming lamp which is lustrous like clearly shining morning Sun and glows between the Sky (Sahasrara) and Earth (Mooladhara); one is able to move all the 3 worlds and no God is able to control his power i.e. he becomes God himself; is able to enter another’s body at will; becomes most excellent among Munis and all-knowing and all-seeing; becomes benefactor of all and versed in all the Shastras. He realizes his unity with Brahman and acquires excellent and unknown powers. Full of fame and long-lived; He knows no decay. The excellent Yogi at the time of death joyfully places his Prana here and enters (after death) that Supreme, Eternal, Birthless state.
Sages described that a person becomes God himself at this Energy Centre.All human beings have a choice and power to become God, provided they are aware of the path and wisdom to follow the path.

The highest Energy Centre is Sahasrara, which is also called 1000-petalled. It is at the top of head and controls pineal glands. It has no element or sense, as it is beyond-essence. This Energy Centre is source of all time bliss and a person on this Centre remains blissful always and need nothing from material world for his happiness. It is gateway to next higher body and linkage to next higher form.
Sages described it as a lotus of thousand petals, lustrous and whiter than the full moon, has its head turned downward. Within it is the full moon as in a clear sky, its rays are moist and cool like nectar. Inside it is a Triangle which is constantly shining like lightening, and inside this again shines the Great Void (Bindu or Shunya) which is 100% still and imperishable.
The three major Energy Centres below the heart are principally concerned with the physical body and the world we perceive with our senses, whereas those above the heart are of a more spiritual nature.