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Energy Channels
We have 72000 criss-cross energy channels called ‘nadis’, which looks like shining threads emanating from base of the Spine i.e. Coccyx or tailbone and spread from head to toes covering each part of the body. The energy flows through these nadis, keep us alive and makes our physical body healthy. Out of these nadis, three are major nadis, which are Ida, Pingla and Sushumna. We breath through Sushumna nadi before the birth i.e. during our stay in the womb of mother and after the birth it gets blocked and we start breathing through Ida and Pingla (apparently two sides of our nasal; left is Ida and right is Pingla). Sushumna nadi starts from base of the spine and goes through it upto top of the head. All the major Energy Centres are along this nadi, which starts from base with Mooladhara and moves up along Sushumna nadi, as Swadhisthan, Manipoorak, Anahat, Vishuddha, Ajna and on the top of head, Sahastrara. Sushumna nadi and these Seven Energy Centres are the path to evolution and to realise Divinity.
Sushumna starts from Mooladhara and moves up through Swadhisthan, Manipoorak, Anahat, Vishuddha and Ajna negative (all within spine) and from there to Sahastrara and from then moves over the head the reach Ajna positive (forehead between the eyebrows). Its complete path is from Mooladhara to Ajna positive via Sahastrara. Once this path is clear, one can breath through Sushumna only without using Ida and Pinglala.
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