Physical Body & Etheric Body
-What we have?
We have all the powers of a Superhuman, but these powers exist in Etheric body, which is inside the Physical body. This Etheric body regulates the physical body and it’s functioning.

Physical body is made of the same five elements with which the whole universe is made of, which are fire, earth, air, water & ether. With our five senses i.e. touch, smell, hear, taste and see, we can see and perceive the physical body.

Before birth when we are in the womb of mother, our Self and Innerself is connected because there is no access to the material world outside. But as soon as the birth take place, we bound to make external connections. As we grow, connection with material world grows. Due to lack of awareness and wisdom, our connection with Innerself dilutes and we lose power to control ourselves rather controlled by circumstances and material world, which becomes cause of our sufferings.
Etheric body lies within Physical body and has various layers which not only regulates functioning of physical body but also controls intellect, power of intuition and Super power of divine. Etheric body is like an Ocean and it is impossible to know the depth of it. It is our choice either to count the waves coming out of it or jump into it to measure its depth and finally merge to become Ocean.
We should be aware of the fact that we have all the powers, rather super powers within us. Our physical body which we can see with our senses, is only a mirror of the etheric body, which cannot be seen with our senses but explored by awareness and experiential wisdom for gaining power to control physical body, senses, mind and to realise the Divinity. We have so much power inside that even this can be decided by us whether to come in this material world after death or not.

As per modern science, the smallest particle is an Atom. The collection of atoms leads to formation of cells. Then the collection of cells leads to formation of tissues and this collection of tissues forms the organs and organs collectively give birth to systems and these systems together constitute our Physical body. The different systems like nervous, respiratory, digestive, muscular, skeletal, endocrine and circulatory work in well coordination with organs, tissues and nerves in order to make physical body function in a perfect manner. From birth to the old age, the body remains under a constant change. The process of multiplication and death of atoms continues in the body and this continuous process is called life.
We all know that our body is made of same five elements viz. fire, earth, air, water and ether, with which this Universe is constituted. There are five senses viz. touch, smell, hear, taste and see, due to which we can see and perceive the body. Our complete life is a continuous exercise to satisfy these senses. Our each action in the life from morning to evening and evening to morning is towards satisfaction of these senses.
Like our planet Earth, everything on it is made up of layers whether it is trees, fruits, atmosphere or even human body. Some of the layers are visible and some not. Human body grossly has four layers viz. one is visible and three others are invisible.
First layer is physical body, which we can see and perceive with our senses. This layer is made up of systems, organs, tissues and cells as well as five elements as mentioned earlier.
The second layer is in our physical body i.e., Energy Layer, which is invisible. This layer regulates Energy or life force, which is called ‘Prana’ by the Sages. We are alive only due to existence of this energy. This layer of body has channels for flow of Energy and seven whirling centres, which constantly pull the fresh Energy into the body and throw out used and unwanted Energy. This layer controls the physical body.
The third layer is mind/Intellect Layer, which consists of mind and intellect, which transmits commands, on the basis of logic, to the second layer, which in turn send these commands to brain for transmission to physical body for final action. When this layer become pure and focused, it becomes very subtle and acquires the properties of Intuition i.e. works beyond intellect and logic. In such state, one can get intuitive powers to see what will happen in future.
The last layer is Divine Layer. This layer is subtlest of the subtle and connection with this keeps a person in a state of bliss and detachment. Our actions are recorded and judged on this layer. On the basis of our actions, the rewards and punishments pronounced on this layer and judgments experienced at physical level accordingly.