Mind and Intellect
People generally think that we have mind in our head, which is not correct. In our head, we have a Brain which neither has a mind nor intellect rather it is a Instruction Processing Unit. We have mind and intellect layer inside our physical body, which sends instruction to Energy layer to pass on to Brain for processing which in turn pass on the same to physical body for actions, experience and result.
But we always feel that there are thoughts in the brain all the time and brain is regulating us.

Actually brain has no thoughts in it. You may close your eyes and check in your brain. Is there any thought in it?

Actually there is nothing like thoughts in the brain which we experience every moment. These thoughts are generally relate to our past or future. This is illusion created by impure mind and it fades away as soon as we check it. As we discussed about formation of physical body with subatomic particles, simultaneously there is a psychic process of formation of mind. Mind is an Etheric layer which is not visible, but present everywhere inside the body. It is with every atom. We can say that wherever we have a feeling in the body, we have mind, it is with every atom with which body is formed.
For the mind to work, there is an office department inside our physical body, which comprises of 2 Sensors and 1 Alarm. The mind starts working when any of our senses; touch, see, hear, taste and smell receives an input from relevant object. Each moment when senses come into contact with any relative object, these Sensors and Alarm start working with lightening speed and repeat again and again with each subsequent contact. Its speed is such that we couldn’t understand what is happening.
For example, when we hear (sense) a voice (relative object), Sensor 1 tells us simply that some voice is coming. Then Sensor 2 identifies or recognizes that voice and categorize or evaluate it as positive or negative; good or bad; pleasing or irritating. After that Alarm rings in the form of Sensation in the body which may be pleasant or unpleasant depending upon the evaluation made by Sensor 2. If the Sensation is pleasant, we wish to have more and more experience of it; but if it is unpleasant, we don’t wish to hear it or dislike it. At last Reaction comes as liking or disliking depending upon the kind of Sensation.
These Sensors and Alarm work in the same manner when any of the senses come into contact with relative object.
Generally it is not possible to sense the working of these Sensors and Alarm, but Yog (meditation) makes us so sensitive to our actions that these levels may be realized. This fact is not only known to me, I used to experience all these levels of mind and able to avoid Reactions.
Reaction is the root cause of all sufferings of a human being. This is the truth of life, which I experienced when my-Self connected to Inner-self.