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Writer's pictureGurkirat Singh

Connect YOUR-SELF to INNER-SELF to overcome boredom and attain good health

In macro terms, we have Physical body which connotes Self and within this there is an Etheric body, that is our Innerself. At the time of birth, we have inherent connection of Self and Innerself but eventually as we grow and make more connections of our Self with the external world, our connection with Innerself dilutes gradually and slowly ends. As a result, a gap is created between Self and Innerself .

Being unaware of this gap, we start feeling blank inside and look for external world to fill the gap through entertainment like television, films, parties, laughter shows, other events and devise many more everyday. As we make more external connections, we need and expect more and more entertainment and become slaves of it day by day, which contribute to deterioration of Self strength which actually lies in the Innerself.

Apparently, we have two things that can connect our Self to Innerself. One, Food & water; and Second, Breath.

Treat Food & Water as your Student but Breath as your Master (Guru)

We should try to discipline Food & Water like Student because as much as we control them, they will help us to increase our immunity and strength that indirectly assist us in establishing the connection between Self and Innerself.

Intake of Food should be directly in proportion to the physical activity of an individual. Excess or deficiency of food in relation to physical work is harmful for the body. Our food should be more towards alkaline nature i.e. fresh fruits, vegetables, home cooked food etc. Whereas junk, fried and outside cooked food are acidic in nature that creates toxins in the body and give birth to many diseases. Thus, should be avoided as much as we can.

Health and strength of our body equally depends upon the Water or liquids intake by us. We all know that consumption of carbonated drinks is quite harmful, but lack of wisdom allow us to make this poison a part of our daily life.

An alarming fact about Water we consume in our homes or packaged drinking water purchased from market, are highly acidic in nature. In India, we don’t have 24-hour water supply and hence drink stored water after filtration through RO or other systems. These filtration processes reduce the pH level of the water and make it acidic, consumption of which makes our digestive system very weak and prone to diseases. The Acidic nature of food and water also multiply the Cancer cells in our body, which is one of the reasons that many people are suffering with Cancer nowadays. The pH level of water should be around 9 to 10, whereas after filtration process it remains only 5-7, which is again acidic. If 2 pinches of Baking Soda (Meetha Soda) added to 1 litre of water, it’ll become alkaline and drinkable. (It is advised that pH level of the water should be tested with pH strips available in the market and quantity of Baking Soda added accordingly to make the pH level approx.. 9-10).

Breath, treat it as your Master (Guru) because breath continues, the body lives or you only exist as long the breath remains within the body. So connection with this Guru is very important as it helps in our Self connection with Innerself which is the only source of strength and pathway to God (I will explain who is God and where it resides, in my later Articles).

If you really connect with your this Guru, it will help you to make your Mind your Servant who will work according to your wisdom and not as per external influences.

Have you ever noticed that you have a breath? If not, start noticing it at the tip of your nasal, which is the entry point and check its movement to and fro the stomach. Check whether we breathe correctly or not? When we inhale, our stomach should come Out and on exhalation it should be In, because inhalation fills the air into stomach and exhalation exhaust the air out. Check that you are not inhaling dust and pollution. Avoid such places where there is more vehicular traffic or dust. Try to remain more near to the nature. Check the speed of your breath, if it is running fast, it will result in fast ageing and end of your life early (as during a life, number of breaths we will take, are fixed; so don’t spend them fast). Notice the number of breaths (1 inhalation and 1 exhalation makes I breath) per minute, which should be less than 10 per minute. If you have more than 10, nothing to worry, but you have to start spending some time with your breath everyday as per your convenience. Practice inhaling slow from nasal to stomach and exhale out slowly. Breath should take more time to exhale than its inhalation. Practice to uniform the speed of each inhalation and exhalation. Devote time whenever you are free but not immediately after having your full meal. Do the practice for 21 days sincerely and feel the difference in your health and steadiness of mind. It is not magic, you’re simply allowing more oxygen within you for more time, which oxygenate the body internally and keep it healthier.

The speed of breath is directly proportionate to the level of mind’s dynamism; lower the speed of breath, mind is towards stillness i.e. concentration.

This Guru will slow the ageing process, give you long life, make your mind more concentrated and open the path to realize God.

The above practice of connection between Self and Innerself will not only help to overcome the boredom rather it is an initiation towards realization of God (which is within you).

The above knowledge is a waste if not applied. Only Wisdom can create magic to experience bliss.

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