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The Only Real Astrological Remedy

There is only one real astrological remedy which one can practice even without checking his/her astrological chart or data, which is as under:

As we discussed earlier that each planet has its own characteristics, which are defined by our sages. The planets represent all the animate and inanimate bodies on this earth. A few examples are as under:



Soul, Vitality





Younger brother

Muscular strength, Blood


Sister, Eunuch,

Speech, business


Elder brother, Teacher,Husband

Accumulation of Money, Knowledge


Females, wife



Labour class


For instance, Sun represents Father as well as Soul and Vitality. If one’s father is happy and pleased, he/she will have matured soul and physical vitality. If a person’s behavior is not good with mother, his mind will be affected resulting in shorter life and lesser strength. If we misbehave or torture the servants or other labour class, we are inviting miseries and pains in our life. Similarly, we can correlate the results given by other planets.

The simple way to pray and please the planets to get favourable results is to make their representatives happy i.e. if all the living beings remain happy with us, planets during their dasha deliver favourable results.

Now, question arises how to make living beings around us happy? The simple way is to practice ‘Dieting of thoughts’ by practicing the following:

  1. Our actions should not hurt anybody’s soul; and

  2. We should help others whether physical, mental and financial, within our means.

For the practical purposes, the term ‘soul’ should be taken inhuman terms only and not in a deep spiritual meaning. A soul is hurt the most when an innocent person is cheated or harmed.

Also we should help others ‘within our means’ to make it a continuous process. Because when we do something beyond our limits whether financial, physical or mental, we get frustrated and the continuity is broken.

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