We all talk about Destiny or bhagya and think that whatever bound to happen in our life is destiny. Normally people justify failures by saying that my destiny is not helping me or all is a game-play of destiny and such happened as it was destined. Let us first check the meaning of destiny and what it is?
The Universe is an intricately organised and meticulously run operation. This operation runs smoothly because every constituent of this gigantic operation is allocated a specific task. Each human birth takes place to carry out its allocated task in accordance with his/her karmas. This allocation of task is Fate or Destiny. In simple words, we are born to enjoy or suffer the fruits of actions performed in previous birth(s).
On the basis of destiny, we get space to work during current life. During our lifetime we can work within this assigned space, which has two major components, first is Destiny and the other one is Freewill.
Freewill is that part of our actions which we do consciously. It is that part of our actions which we are not destined to do. It is regulated by limitations caused by our previous actions. Our freewill produces conditions for the future. It is the Freewill that proves that we are not mere puppets.
There is a complex link between Destiny and Freewill. The total space to work during current life is divided into two parts, as depicted below.
The space allotted to Destiny and Freewill is variable and different in case of each individual. Destiny part is more in case of bad past life actions I.e., our actions don’t bear results as per our wishes. Whereas in case of good past actions, Freewill space is more which allow us to achieve as per our wishes and efforts.
Our good actions tend to increase our given space. The harmonizing of pattern of action (freewill) with life’s task (destiny) can be explained by an example:
Imagine a cow tied to a peg by a tether. The Peg is Fate or Destiny. There is nothing the cow can do about it. The Tether is Freewill. Its elasticity and its length are decided by past and present karmas. The cow can do what she wants within the area covered by the tether. If she performs her actions well, she can save herself from falling in the pits and the given space be better utilize. Likewise, our good actions tend to increase our given space. The more good actions we do, the broader space we get and with the enhanced space we get the lengthier tether.
Do good actions to increase your Freewill space to enjoy this as well as future life/births. (We will discuss Good Actions in the next article)
So, Cheer up!
We are not puppets and can do a lot within the space assigned on the basis of our past actions.
Since we are responsible for the size of space assigned, the best way to live life is Do good actions and get more space to enjoy power.